About Me

About Me (Julian)

2023 update: not sure how accurate all of this is now because I wrote it a few years ago but I have a personal site now, so you can look at that if you'd like.

Hello hello not sure anyone is really gonna read this but I figured if anyone wants to know who has such a little amount of life to make something like this, here ya go. Does this make me vain? Yes, probably. But who isn't, to some degree? Hi, my name is Julian (obviously, if you haven't figured that out maybe you should leave. Or maybe ur tired in which case I apologize).

I'm pretty obsessed with... everything. One week I can be super hyped about painting and the next I am curating a very suspisciously large amount of information about small towns I find on wikipedia (mmmmmm wikipedia). But in between all my art and projects I tend to stick to composing ambient/experimental music (it's kinda my rebound art). If you'd like to listen to that stuff here you go:

This one goes more into the realm of noise so if you're more of a softboi/girl/enby have this:

If you'd like to chat about anything or just wanna say hi, feel free to send me a DM on discord Bellothedog#1834

And yeah that's all you really need to know about me

How I met Eric

Eric is my best friend who I work on this site with. Our paths first crossed during a trip through the sahara okay no I'm kidding. We orignally started talking in art class in middle school in order to do everything but participate. Art class was one of those things where we do enjoy art but not if we're forced to do it. Then one day he approached me in orchestra (I "played" the cello) and asked me to collaborate on a musical project. Long story short we started working on a lot of art projects together, most of which haven't turned into much but we've worked on two albums together:

And this site is our longest-standing project. We originally started in 2020 as a way to make a fictional wiki about funny names we came up with and now don't really see any end in sight. After skipping from service to service we finally found neocities as the most agreeable place to host our wiki. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoy writing it!

Likes and Interests

Honestly dude music is fucking amazing. I love music. I know that probably makes me sound basic "mUSiC iS mY LiFe" but dude music mmmmmmmm. My favorite songs/artists are constantly changing but I've really been getting a kick out of:

Also I'm a huge nerd (for pretty much anything) in case that wasn't obvious. Trying to learn html and css for this site but I mostly focus on python and machine learning.

History of this Site

We started the wiki on fandom.com (you will never find the original site haha) then we wanted to move to blogspot after becoming disillusioned with the way fandom treats its employees and it's data use terms. We never went to blogspot and instead moved to miraheze but quickly noticed that's not our thing either so we moved to 000webhost. There we had some server issues and after finding neocities, we fell in love with the community and general atmosphere of the site so now we're here to stay!


Oops I forgot this was a thing so I pretty much already said a lot in the interests section but I really love old school hip hop and jazz (I can get very pretentious about it) and I just love music (I think I've made this very clear). As I said I compose and tend to focus on ambient music. There's something about it; it's just such a free and wonderful form of music and composing it can be so so meditative at times.

Yep that's pretty much everything and now I have no idea how to finish this (and my girlfriend said that the conclusion I had originally which was "booba" was cringe so now you don't get a finishing sentence) but I will leave you with the word "flinkenflanken".