Fonk Exclusion Zone

The Fonk Exclusion Zone (FEZ) is a designated exclusion zone within the astral realm around the site of the fonk explosion. The zone encompasses a space of 2 three-dimensional lightyears around the original site of the fonk explosion. No life forms are allowed inside the zone due to the dangerously high levels of fonk remaining from the explosion.

The FEZ was established shortly after the fonk explosion to keep lifeforms from being exposed to the fonk. It was believed that the fonk would soon dissipate and no security measures were put in place. As time went on with no signs of fonk loss and an increase in sightseers illegally entering the zone, security was added to surround the zone's borders and patrol certain areas of the zone with low fonk activity.

Security guard wearing a protective cheese hat at Checkpoint Alpha

Areas of the FEZ

The Fonk Exclusion Zone is typically classified in ~5.5777777683 parts:

  1. Border - The border is lined with 5 security checkpoints, which are the only official entryway to the zone. These checkpoints are Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and 𓃵
  2. The roads - The roads connect certain areas of the area to the checkpoints, and vice versa. These roads often disappear when not in use and may only appear after David's milk has gone bad. Once this happens, the cheese tasting phase may begin and the roads are used by security personnel to maintain and record fonk levels. Because of the roads' dynamic nature of presence, illegal visitors to the zone will often wait until David's milk is farm-fresh or developing a cream layer to enter the zone.
  3. Jeff's Burger Shack - The remains of Jeff's Burger Shack, the original site of the fonk explosion, remain in the center of the FEZ. Though the building is mostly destroyed, drone footage (the shack is too dangerous to go up close to in person) has shown the remains of what may have been the protonic fryers which caused the explosion.
  4. The fields - The major parts surrounding the site of the explosion, known as the fields, are solid masses of stacked or coagulated spacetime resulting from the high levels of fonk. They often appear as grassy fields or large asphalt deposits.
  5. The pools - The pools are enigmatic areas that often show up in-between the fields. They seem to be reflective and act almost as small pools of water (hence the name) though they do not appear to be made of any known substance. The pools have been growing in size recently, leading researchers to believe they may be space time in the process of transitioning from its coagulated form back to its normal form.