Quantum Basketball

Quantum basketball, colloquially referred to as Q or QB, is a sport played in the Astral Realm. It started as a casual game, brought to the astral realm by an unknown visitor coming from Earth in Universe One, but was eventually adapted into a professional sport. The official association for all Quantum Basketball teams is the Multiuniversal Quantum Basketball League (MQBL).

The official logo of the M5DBL
The official logo of the MQBL


The game is played on a 5-dimensional field, 0.0000000005 to 50 lightyears in length between two teams who attempt to score as many balls in the basket(s) at either end of the field. Because of the 5-dimensional nature of quantum basketball, as well as the interference of quantum mechanics and highly variable stadium and team formations, the game can be very difficult for lower-dimensional beings to understand or participate in. Nonetheless, the game has a cult following amongst lower-level beings. Whether or not they actually understand the game or are just pretending to have gigabrain IQ's is not clear to this day.

Phenomena and Fundamental Characteristics

Quantum Basketball is often subject to physical phenomena and is therefore often used as a teaching method for basic kindergarten education in the astral realm. Typical occurences during QB games include:

In addition to these and other physical phenomena, there are certain traditions and extra mechanics to the game that should be listed, such as:


  1. The ball in Quantum Basketball is not a ball, but a quongus. Deal with it.
  2. The quongus is a sentient 4th dimensional being that can leave the match at any point.
  3. The quongus may be thrown in any direction, combination of direction, lack of direction, or unobserved direction with no, some, or all hands.
  4. The quongus may be batted in any direction with one or both hands (never with 50 Caliber shotgun or low-orbit ion cannon).
  5. A player cannot run with the quongus, the player must throw it from the spot(s) or lack thereof on which they catch it, allowance to be made for a player who catches the quongus when moving (or not) at a good speed.
  6. The quongus must be held in or between the body parts
  7. No shouldering, holding, pushing, tripping, exorcizing, ionic difibrulizing, particle accelerating, chakra drainage, potty words, insults against my mommy, or striking in any way the person of an opponent shall be allowed. The first infringement of this rule by any person shall count as a foul; the second shall disqualify them until the next goal is made or, if there was evident intent to injure the person, for the whole of the game. No substitute allowed unless the judges deemed it a sick move. The third infringement of this rule shall result in the breakage of kneecaps and a banishment to the Shadow Dimension.*
  8. A foul is striking at the quongus with the dongus, violation of rules 3 and 4, and such described in rule 5.
  9. A sick move is anything that's cool as fuck.
  10. If any side makes three consecutive fouls, it shall count a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the opponents in the meantime making a foul).
  11. A goal shall be made when the quongus is moved from the grounds into the basket** and stays there (without falling), providing those defending the goal do not influence the goal. If the quongus rests (or doesn’t rest) on the edge, and the opponent alters the basket, it shall count as a goal.
  12. When the quongus goes out of bounds it shall be moved into the field and played by the first person who wants it really bad. In case of dispute the umpire shall yeet it out of existence, tell the players to shut the fuck up, and they must then sit criscross applesauce until the quongus decides to return. The thrower is allowed five seconds, if he holds it longer, it shall go to the opponent. If any side persists in delaying the game, the umpire shall absolutely wreck their shit physically, emotionally, and financially (don't fuck with the umpire).
  13. The umpire shall be the judge of the players and shall note the fouls, and notify the referee when three consecutive fouls have been made. They shall have power to disqualify people according to Rule 5. They’re also, according to Rule 34, a fucking god (don't ask).
  14. The referee shall be judge of the quongu and shall decide when the quongus is in play, in bounds, to which side it belongs, and shall keep the time (or lack thereof). They shall decide when a goal has been made and keep account of the goals with any other duties that are usually performed by a referee.
  15. The time shall be two fifteen ____ halves, with five ____ rest between.
  16. The side making the most goals in that time is declared the winner. In case of a drew game may, by agreement of the captain, be continued until another goal is made. Or the game can go for however long the judges want if they’re feeling it.
  17. It is illegal to determine the momentum and position of any player’s electrons (game must follow 3rd dimensional quantum limits)

34. If it exists, there's a quantum basketball team for it. And porn ;).


Many teams exist within the MQBL, as well as countless unofficial, minor league, pickup, after-school, and driveway quantum basketball teams. Below is a list of the teams recognized by the QBL at the time of writing this, as well as their home stadium. (Additional information is provided where needed)