Republic of the Mangos

Republic of the Mangos

République des Mangues
Official Languages French, Haitian Creole, Japanese
Demonyms Mang

Primitivism (February 2020 - May 2020)

Monarchy (May 2020 - October 2020)

Anarcho-communism (October 2020 - March 2020)

Currency Mango
Preceded by Bear Territory
Succeeded by Independent States of the Bear Territory

The Republic of the Mangos (French: République des Mangues) was a sovereign nation declared within the astral realm by astral realm travellers from France and Haiti. The Republic was established circa 2020 as a breakaway state from the established Bear Territory in the astral realm, but was disbanded with the bear raids of 2021.



In 2019, astral travellers from France and Haiti started congregating in the Bear Territory, bearing mango plants. For many weeks, the French and Haitian travellers would hold garden parties in a designated section of the Bear Territory. It was tradition that the guests would each plant one mango tree, eventually forming a mango forest, upon which the partygoers began hanging hammocks.

In 2020, the mango forest had reached such a heavy density and size that Bears from the Bear Territory were observed making detours around the forest. Following this, the Republic of the Mangos was quickly established as a Primitivist society. Until May 2020, there were no direct rulers or laws, although occasionally a majority of the now permanent inhabitants would listen to one person for advice such as at which angle to hang your hammock. Certain inhabitants gained a small cult-like following for their knowledge in crucial skills such as rain tarp placement, thermal regulation, and the creation of Mango Hedgehogs.

Eventually, one member of the Republic of the Mangos, known only as Yfer, declared themself Monarch of the Republic. Up until this point, the Republic's polticial ideology was described as a "Garden Party", though now it is generally regarded as having followed a primitivist model. Yfer lead the Republic of the Mangos through numerous conflicts with the surrounding Bear Territory. These conflicts were sometimes quickly resolved through an offering of mangos to the bears, but sometimes ended up in fights. Over these 6 months, the Republic suffered only 10 casualties, though many hammocks were damaged, leading to a housing crisis.

Due to the increasing stress of their job, Yfer stepped down from their position as Monarch and the members of the Republic voted on forming an anarcho-communist nation. Mangos were no longer seen as a form of currency but regarded purely as a food source, leading to more equal distribution of mangos among the Mangs. The Mangs all got along well, with only one minor conflict being documented over the 6 months of anarcho-communism.


Bear Raids

In the wee hours of the morning on March 23rd 2021, a hoarde of unarmed bears broke into the Republic, tearing apart mango trees and attacking the sleeping Mangs. The Mangs were quick to arms, using mango farming tools such as pitchforks and hedge scissors to subdue the bears. A second group of bears armed with AK-47s and handguns attacked from the other side of the forest, cornering the Mangs between two groups. After hours of bloodshed, the remaining Mangs fled the forest and have not been seen since.