About The Astral Realm Guide

Also see Eric and Julian's about pages!

What is the Astral Realm?

The astral realm is a large and expansive area consisting of countless dimensions, realms, planets, and other subspaces. It is similar to outerspace but exists outside our reality. The appearance of the astral realm can differ from person to person, so giving an objective description can be difficult. Expect the unexpected.

Imagine a void; a space without size, matter, or any other physical properties. Now imagine a house inside that void. How would you expect the house to be behaving? In the astral realm, several houses like this exist and they behave like any normal house, despite the abnormal conditions. Many similar things like this exist in the astral realm. Buildings, roads, landmasses, bodies of water, etc. are all present in the astral realm, without necessarily being connected to each other. What natural laws and mechanisms exist in your universe may be altered, diminished, or otherwise non-existant in the astral realm.

How to explore the archive

As time goes on, this archive will only get bigger. Pages will be added, expanded upon, reduced, or otherwise changed. If you're new to this site, we recommend checking out our list of essential pages or starting at a page that peaks your interest and then going from there. Feel free to look at the list of all pages. Some pages may be harder to find or access, as they may not be on the page list. Have a keen eye and a cranium ready for knowledge.

Take a look at the following sentence: “An astral entity named Hobert Gobbleheimer invented pajamas and then showed them to Mahatma Gandhi”. Are we going to question why Gandhi is there? No. Welcome to the astral realm.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get to the astral realm?

There is a variety of ways, too many to name, to get to the astral realm. Some of the most common ways are astral projection, hiring an astral transport, various spiritual teleportation rituals, drugs, eating waffles (rarely), astral kidnapping (this is rare and not recommended), eating expired cool whip (this is more common than you think), blowing on a NES cartridge (this was the cause of the 1980s NES disappearances), or at random.

Is the astral realm dangerous?

The short answer is yes. Not all parts are dangerous, but as there is no centralized governing body or policing organization, it can get dangerous. However, as long as you use common sense and know some basic safety information, it is unlikely that you will come to harm.

What is the preferred pants color in the astral realm?

I don't know. I've seen people vibing with a nice burgundy. Personally, I wear blue denim jeans. My closet is full of blue denim jeans. In fact, there is nothing else in my closet apart from blue denim jeans. I only wear blue denim jeans. Blue denim jeans. The superior pant.

Preferred pants color is a very touchy subject in the astral realm, and saying the wrong answer in a certain place could land you in the pants zone.